Monday, July 25, 2011

Back Where I Come From

Culture has always interested me. I think that's why I love history so much. While I know that "my citizenship is in heaven" I love learning about how people live, how their traditions and "ways" have come about, and to learn from the downfalls and successes of cultures.
I'm thankful that growing up I was able to spend time in many different cultures. I was born just outside of New Orleans (or as locals say "Naw'Lins"). If you know anything about New Orleans you know it's RICH with culture, a culture like NO OTHER! When I was 2 we moved overseas. I loved living in other cultures with people from MANY different countries. I was able to witness women with babies wrapped to their backs while carrying fruit baskets on their heads, men who knelt on their mats every day as the mosque called over the area, children holding on tightly as their family of 5 rode together on mopeds. These things didn't seem unusual to me until I left and realized it's not done the same way in the States. Our family was blessed to live in these places along with people from cultures that were very different from where we were from (some even being just from different parts of the U.S.) We lived together, learned from one another (including some VERY good cooking), and we were a community.
I'm very grateful for the way I grew up. While my childhood growing up was rich with this exposure to cultures though, the majority of my life has been spent in one place, the South...the DEEP South! I'm a Mississippi girl, but not just a Mississippi girl, a Mississippi Gulf Coast girl, the place where Cajun culture from the West collided with the rich Delta "Country" culture of North Mississippi.
Being back "home" has brought me to appreciate this cutlure. A culture where catfish, crabs, and crawfish are as common as chicken on the dinner table, Spanish moss is our backyard decor, we only have two seasons: HOT humidity and COLD humidity, Katrina water lines are clearly marked and remembered, "ain't" and "ya'll" are IN FACT correct grammar :), people go to the bayou just as much as the beach, as Hank described it "we's them ole boys raised on shotguns; we say grace and we say ma'am....(you can finish the rest :) ), gumbo is only cooked one way: slow and spicy, and "tea" is only a word when its preceded with "sweet".
As I've spent the summer driving roads I've been down MANY times, looking at places that have changed drastically while others look the same as when I was 10 years old, there's been a nostalgic feeling of appreciation for this area I've called home. I would never let where I'm from DEFINE who I am, but I know it's influenced me tremendously. The South is not by any means a perfect place, but I am proud to call it "home".
All that said, I just wanted to share a bit of where I'm from and the things I'm soaking in as I prepare to head out.

Thanks for reading!

And Ya'll come back now, ya hear!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Naive to Impossible

"We are too young to realize that certain things are impossible...So we will do them anyway."

-William Wilberforce

"But He said, 'The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.' "

-Luke 18:27

The past 3 and 1/2 years of my life have been spent surrounded by extraordinary people. Many who are training to go into full-time ministry or overseas. Their journey's began long before I knew them but I was able to be apart of this "process" of going. This isn't to say life stopped and ministry wasn't a part of life in seminary, but most in Wake Forest know that it is a "transition" place. Many didn't stay there long (me included) and that's just the way it is.

Since I've been in the "middle" stages of this process though, I think I forgot what the beginning of many of these journey's looked like: the excitement, naivety, newness, fearlessness, "taking on hell with a water pistol" attitude!

In recent days I have been reminded of those beginning stages, and I'm SO thankful to get to witness the Lord working. In just the past few weeks there have been four young people who have come forward and said that they believe the Lord is leading them to serve overseas! I have gotten to speak with 2 of them and hopefully will get to meet with them more before I head out. Now, one lesson I had to learn was that going overseas doesn't make you "special" or a superman type of person. Sometimes we have this notion that believers who live overseas are somehow "above" others. That's not the case AT ALL! (I can vouch for that because I need just as much grace daily as the next person). We are told to love the Lord and to love people. No matter where we are that's what we are called to. Those who go overseas may have different battles because they are in a different culture, can't speak the language, and aren't' familiar with the area, but believers ALL face struggles, trials, and hardships. The thing that remains the same is CHRIST! And that is Who we live in and for, no matter the location.

So these 4 young people have started an incredible journey, but it's not just because they want to go overseas. I think it's awesome that they are being led overseas and I'm not down playing the difficulty or "sacrifice", but what they are experiencing is realizing that they are called to something MUCH bigger than themselves. They are called to love God, proclaim Him to ALL nations, and love those nations! (as we all are) I remember the first time I began to realize that. Such a wonderful naivety! A blindness if you will to the hurdles and "impossibilities" before me. This isn't a bad blindness because it causes us to go forward trusting even when we don't see what's next. A beautiful faith in the One who knows every step of our path. I hope that as these four continue on and they're eyes are opened to the things that seem impossible they will continue to cling to the One who makes all things possible.

In thinking about these four, praying for them, being reminded of my own "beginnings" of this journey, and gratefully remembering MY GOD CAN DO ALL THINGS, this song keeps coming to mind:

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,

Look full in His wonderful face,

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,

In the light of His glory and grace"

Friday, July 8, 2011

BLISSful Words

I was looking through some stuff today and found this "song" written by Phillip P. Bliss. It was the last one he wrote just before he and his wife were killed in a train crash. To my knowledge it has never had music put to it.
I remember the first time I read these words. At that point in life they were just what I needed to hear. I was trying to figure out where God was leading me and these words just reminded me that God knew what He was doing even though I couldn't see it.
In finding it today I was once again reminded of that same truth: we aren't suppose to have everything figured out; we are to simply abide. What a sweet journey He leads us in! I hope these words bless you as much as they have me!

I know not what awaits me,
God kindly veils mine eyes;
And o'er each step of my onward way
He makes new scenes to rise;
And every joy He sends me comes
A sweet and glad surprise.

One step I see before me,
'Tis all I need to see,
The light of heaven more brightly shines,
When earth's illusions flee;
And sweetly thro'the silence comes
His loving "Follow me."

O blissful lack of wisdom,
'Tis blessed not to know;
He holds me with His own right hand,
And will not let me go,
And lulls my troubled soul to rest
In Him who loves me so.

So on I go, not knowing,
I would not if I might;
I'd rather walk in the dark with God
Than go alone in the light;
I'd rather walk by faith with Him
Than go alone by sight.

-Phillip P. Bliss

Sunday, July 3, 2011

When the Fog Clears

"Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory."- Paul

"God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on Him."- Hudson Taylor

Do you ever have those days where you wake up and you're just in a "fog"? I know physically stuff like sinuses and allergies can do that, but more so just kind of like you wake up "defeated" feeling?
I had one of those days yesterday...
I don't know why but I woke up to go to church and I just felt defeated. There wasn't anything in particular, but there were just discouraging thoughts going through my head, and I just didn't feel motivated at all. It wasn't like I was sulking around. People probably didn't even notice. But there was a battle within me. I was going to talk to some people about going overseas (which I did), and it went fine (I find when I start talking about it, the Lord just excites my soul!), but there was still this "air" of "Courtney, do you really think anyone cares?" I know that it's spiritual warfare, and I know the answer to that question is "ABSOLUTELY, people care!" But questions like that are causing me to question God. That's been the enemies tacit from the beginning!
Then some wise words popped in my head (from a wise man who is only like a year older than me!) I remember talking to my dorm "parents" from college (who also have become sweet friends) when they were overseas. One thing that stuck out to me was when he said, "You know, Courtney, if you want to feel like a complete baby again, go overseas. You're in a place where you can't communicate with people because you don't know the language, you're dependent on others to help you, you're like a child, completely dependent. But you know, one thing I've learned is that we're not here for people or ourselves, because we would've given up a long time ago. We are here for God. Now, we love people, but you know like we do, that they'll let you down. Things get "normal" and life continues. But He is our only sure thing. He is the ONLY thing that hasn't, doesn't, and won't change."
So I clung to that because it is Hebrews 13:8! When thoughts and questions of defeat and discouragement come about I need to remember, HE NEVER CHANGES! The truth is that some people may not care about where I'm going or what the Lord is doing in the world. But GOD STILL CARES ABOUT THE WORLD! He doesn't need people to confirm His plan. He is God!
The Lord then did a very gracious and encouraging thing to help the "fog" clear...
He blessed me with seeing people come forward yesterday professing that they had come into a relationship with Him! On top of that excitement there were also two youth age boys who came forward saying they believed the Lord was beginning a journey of leading them to go overseas full time! I was crying and praising the Lord!
I understand a little of the journey these two boys have ahead of them. They (as I am) are naive to the hardships, struggles (physically and spiritually), and sacrifices that are ahead of them. But HOW BEAUTIFUL to be dependent on God in not knowing!
We ARE like children! And it is the best place to be: like a child; completely dependent on our Father who is steadfast, immovable, and never changing!