Monday, April 16, 2012

Taking Down the Tree

It's been almost 5 months since I put my tiny little Christmas tree up. Christmas tree is still up in my living room.
It's only about a foot tall, but anytime anyone new comes over I hear, "you still have your Christmas tree up?" And it's a beautiful reminder to me of why. I'm not lazy (it will only take about 5 minutes to pack it up!) and I'm not one of those people who listens to Christmas music all year round (though sometimes I think I could be :) )
There's one reason the tree still comes down when Levi comes home.
There have been many days since that tree came into my living room that I've looked at it, been reminded of why it still stands, prayed, cried, begged, rejoiced, and giving thanks for this journey the Lord has led our family on. While I know this has of course affected my sister and brother-in-law the most, trust me when I say, our whole family has been on this journey with them.
The day is finally coming when I will no longer look at those red ornaments and silver bells! And the Lord has blessed me beyond what I could even imagine in the process of getting to take it down.
In about a week....I get to meet my nephew!!!
Wow...even as I write this I'm crying at the thought of it. I honestly didn't think it would come this soon. Since I'm here, far from my family, I thought it wouldn't be until I came home again (until he is almost 3) that I would meet him in person. But the Lord has given this gift: I get to go, see my mom and sister, and meet Levi! Praise Him!
My weeks have been full with many different things (trainings, traveling, etc), and when I return that will not change. So life is a little busy right now, but I'm not complaining!!! I'm rejoicing in it all! I praise the Lord for this "break" to get to go and meet this little man who will always have a piece of my heart.
So praise the Lord with me! And be lifting up some things as I prepare to go:
-That all will be finalized with the adoption with no surprises or hinderances
-Safe and smooth travel for my parents, my sister, and myself
-That we would enjoy one another, encourage one another, and enjoy spending time with this new little guy who has blessed our family so much already
-That Levi would travel well, and he and my sister would have as easy a trip back as possible (my parents will be with them the "main" leg) but that Levi would have a peaceful and calm spirit as all these things will be so new to him
-That he will LOVE his aunt CaCa (just as much as she loves him) right away :)
-And that as my parents will be coming back with me for a few days before meeting up with my sister, that our time in my new "home" would be blessed as they get to see my life here
So, you can "bet your britches" (southern still lives in me) that as soon as Levi gets home that tree will be put away. As a symbol of this part of the journey coming to a close (winter is over) and the next part of this journey beginning, Levi's life as he grows in his new family (spring has come!)