"Paketić! Paketić!" They screamed as they came running from their house. They knew why we were there. They knew we had brought the Christmas packets...
Today started off raining, cold, and gloomy. I met my teammate Adam, and two local guys at the office. They loaded up the van and we were off to deliver Christmas shoeboxes. I've been excited all week about getting to go. I have wanted to go out with Adam into the Roma communities for some time now, but haven't had the opportunity. On top of that for years now I have participated in making Christmas shoeboxes to send to other countries. I was looking forward to being on this "side" of the process. So, I made sure I had nothing going on in order to go today.
The first house we went to was very welcoming; the kids were very excited about getting packets. We were able to share about why we were giving these packets, why people in other countries sent these packets for them; because God has given the greatest gift He could ever give to us.
Upon arriving at the next house we were met with children excited because they knew why we had come. We went into a room where three families live together. They were so welcoming. We talked for a little, they served us “kafu and sok” (coffee and juice-which consists of anything from actual juice to coke), and treated us like honored guest.
I know it’s customary, and they were being good “host”, but do you know how humbling it is to sit in a home with no running water, very little heat, that houses three families (at least 5 people in each) and be served like that?
The thought crossed my mind, “Hold on, we are here to serve you, to be a blessing to your family…we aren’t the ones who are suppose to be served.” But I have found over my years that it’s usually when you are serving those who have little that YOU receive the most (and are humbled the most). What pride to think I could come and serve them? I mean I know the Lord’s brought me here to serve…Him, others, and to learn to die to myself more and more. But the way He continues to go about doing that is always in a way I cannot deny HIS hand…ever.
It’s always Him who is serving people, not me. I’m merely a “means” by which He uses. If I were serving them than I would have walked away so “proud” of all WE had done, all WE had given, and all the blessings WE had brought.
But on this rainy, cold, gloomy day, I walked away humbled…with the warmth of my Savior who for some reason has chosen to use me to bring HIS Good News to these people (people He uses to humble me!)
"But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, 'Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.'" 1 Corinthians 1:27-31
the grace of participation!