Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bosnia or BUST!!!

This journey has been an incredible one so far (and I'm not even there yet). If you would have asked me years ago or even a year ago if I would want to go to Bosnia-Herzegovina, I'd probably had responded with, "Where exactly is that?" The way God has led me to going has been challenging, humbling, and faith-building. In the process of choosing where to go, God allowed me to meet a couple already in Bosnia. They are actually doing what got me interested in coming to seminary to pursue my degree. I had great conversations with them, and during that time, the Lord put many verses before me. Two of the most prominent (that I'm still clinging to) were Ez. 2:4-5 and John 15:5. Both were challenging and made me think through two very important questions, "Who are you going to trust?" and "Are you willing to go anywhere?"
Now, I have said the majority of my life, "Lord I'll go anywhere you want." But I was actually faced with a new way of looking at that question. I had considered living in a hut, living in cold weather, hot weather, eating extremely weird things, but this is the first time I thought about being placed somewhere that I might not see fruit produced. I think I've always had this mindset that I'll go somewhere and it may take a little while, but then there would be people giving their lives to Christ left and right (the I'm going to save the world syndrome). This was the first time I was faced with, "Courtney, if you go, labor, love, serve, and sacrifice yet don't see ONE person come to Christ, are you still willing to go and tell?" I spent time praying, surrendering, and becoming willing. (My heart isn't always quick to become willing) In the end, my answer was, "yes, but I know myself and I can't do it alone." I knew there would be much faith and growth required in my life.
So the Lord broke me down, and I actually through prayer and advice put a request in to another country, but my request was denied because they weren't taking on team members. So the Lord brought me back to Bosnia :) Obviously, it was a bit discouraging because I had my "heart" set on this other place, but as usual I learned the Lord knows what He's doing. I remembered those verse, my conversations with that couple, and again was face with the question, "You say you're willing, are you really?" Things became pretty clear! I needed to trust that this is where God was leading, and if it wasn't He'd make clear where I was to go.
Helen Roseveare (a "hero" of mine because we are kindred spirits as Anne Shirley would say) has an amazing quote that has become my prayer:
"Okay God, today I mean it. Go ahead and make me more like Jesus, whatever the cost. But please (knowing myself fairly well), when I feel I can't stand anymore and cry out 'Stop!', will you ignore my 'stop" and remember that today I said, 'Go ahead'.
So here I go....Bosnia or Bust!

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