So here it goes :)
Throughout my life I've had several motherly figures in my life. Women I've looked up to, gained advice from, learned from (both bad and good), and who have helped me grow as a woman, friend, and most importantly a follower of Christ.
When we lived in Nigeria I remember going over to my "Aunt" Mona's house, swinging on the gate to her backyard until she let me in, and spending time with her. Still to this day when I get to see her, I just LOVE HER! She's my Aunt Mona, and she loved (and still loves) me no matter how long we go without seeing each other.
In Indonesia, my friend, Jennifer's mom (Mrs. Debbie) use to impress me with her pancake skills (she'd make different characters!). We'd do amazing crafty things, she helped with Girl Scouts, and was a very neat lady who impressed on me the fun of arts and crafts (which I still carry to this day).
Through High School there were ladies (too many to name) that were in and out of my life who helped me through those D.R.A.M.A.T.I.C years :)
In college, Mrs. Karen (who was technically my boss) taught me how to love and teach children in creative and fun ways. She showed me how to be strong IN THE LORD when life isn't fair and it's just hard.
While I've been here in North Carolina, I've seen some awesome, Christ-loving ladies at my church. I've had an amazing friendship with a lady I work with, Brenda (the office "mom") who has done what she can to "take care of me", listened to me through difficult times, and rejoiced with me in happy times. I've been blessed to know Michele (a lady I nanny for) who has shown me generosity in ways I'll never forget. She's a strong woman, and has been such a blessing to my life!
As I've gotten older, my sister, while not "motherly" to me has grown to be an amazing example of motherhood. She knows she doesn't do everything perfect (and I don't think she wants to) She sees she needs the Gospel (even. in parenting..scratch that, ESPECIALLY in parenting). She also continually reminds me of Christ's love, and is such an example of raising up her children in the Lord.
I say all of this to show the blessings of the Lord in my life. I am so thankful to know and have been influenced, impacted, and "taken care of" by these ladies.
Having said this though, I have to say, in my life NONE compare to my MOTTY!
She has a unique name, and it is fitting because she is a very unique woman! Let me tell you a little about her for those of you who have never had the privilege of knowing Gale Brady :)

I tell that story because I love that it's one of the first memories I have. It's the perfect example of how my mom has always been fun, let us be involved with what she's doing, and always makes us feel wanted and loved.

I didn't learn to appreciate her life until I was a bit older. Her and my dad moved overseas in their 20s. She hadn't been many places outside of the state of Mississippi by that time, but she took on the adventure (in true Motty style), and I believe the Lord blessed and grew her in so many ways through that. Every summer she traveled back and forth from the states with 3 kids (I REALLY appreciate that now when I'm on the plane with kids around!).
She was an example
of missions before I even knew what it was! She would teach Bible studies, share with people she was around, and still to this day just proclaims the Gospel in her words and actions no matter where she is.
She makes people feel comfortable as soon as they meet her. Our house in high school (and college) was the place to go. She would feed us, talk to us, and have fun with us. My friends from high school AND college still call her Motty Gale when they see her. She just loves people! (and they love her).

She makes people feel comfortable as soon as they meet her. Our house in high school (and college) was the place to go. She would feed us, talk to us, and have fun with us. My friends from high school AND college still call her Motty Gale when they see her. She just loves people! (and they love her).
She has taught me what it means to give selflessly, without thinking about cost, bu
t rather asking "how can I be used?" She has shown me how to enjoy life, and not sweat the small things.

Most importantly, the Lord has CONTINUALLY used my Motty as an example of the Gospel in my life. Such sweet grace has come from that little lady
! :) She has been there through rebellion, brokenness, broken hearts, triumphs, challenges, changes...she's been there through "life". She has pointed out sin in my life when I didn't want to hear it, spoken words of encouragement and truth in my life when I needed to hear it, and shown me love especially when I didn't deserve it. The Lord has used her in SO many ways! I know not just in my life, but in our family's, my friends, people from church, the community, and (even though she doesn't realize it) those in the world.

I'm so thankful to the Lord that she isn't just an amazing mom, (or a one-of-a-kind Motty), she is an awesome sister in Christ. I praise the Lord for making her, saving her, and using her to proclaim His Gospel and spread His glorious name!

Great Court! You've put me to shame...all I got her was a cheesy card and carsyn gave it to her before it was even signed:)! Very sweet (and true)post about Motty! We are so blessed!