Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's a Small World After All

I hate this ride at Disney. Not the ride in and of itself (though it's a little slow for my roller-coaster blood), but this SONG!!! It embeds itself in your head and you spend the rest of your time there catching yourself humming it! As much as I dislike this song though, I've had several moments this past week that have made me think of it...
Sometime last week (I can't remember the day) I was having a weird day. I wasn't really discouraged in the sense we often think of it or anything, just somber. For whatever reason I woke up that morning and in the process of getting ready the thought occurred to me, "Courtney, this isn't your home. You haven't lived here in 7 years; it's not your home. In fact, you'll probably never own a home. You are a nomad." This thought didn't sadden me. It was just a realization that hadn't occurred to me. I've lived in apartments the past 7 years of my life, and therefore haven't owned them. I lived with my parents before then, and am now once again under their roof. I have been very grateful for the places I've lived and for my parents allowing me to live in their home. Nonetheless, the thought occurred to me that I am a drifter. Even when I get overseas, that will not be my "home". I hope it becomes more of my "home" than being in the States, but I will always be an implant there. It kind of makes the reality of the Son of Man not having a place to lay His head a little more real. Not that I'm homeless and don't have a bed (I'm not trying to make this dramatic), but moreso realizing that I'm at the mercy of others to provide a roof over my head.
Like I said, this didn't discourage or sadden me, but rather it made me a little somber. Am I really wanting to live this way? What about the American dream? The white picket fence and the 2.5 kids playing in the yard? :)
I've never really desired that kind of a life. So those questions were fleeting. But it did put me in a somber mood, so I just needed a little encouragement, a little bit of "I'm God and I know what I'm doing with your life" thrown at me :) So that's just what God did!
After this day (it may have been the same day) I got an email from a man my dad works with saying they wanted to help send me overseas. His letter was very encouraging and this couple actually has a daughter serving overseas as well. He talked about how he'd be praying for me and my family sense he also knows the hardship the families back home go through. It was awesome to me that this couple, whom I've never met (and may never meet), and whose relationship with our family started through an oil company and meeting my dad overseas, and who have sacrificed their own daughter to what the Lord has called her to, was wanting to encourage and support me as I go. What a humbling thing!
Then this past Sunday I went to the church my sister and brother-in-law went to while living here. There was a family visiting who lives in Southeast Asia. Of course I wanted to talk to them about where they are and what they are doing. While talking to them we realized that they know one of my dear friends who is in Southeast Asia. In fact they do some "work" together. Also, they know one of the people going with the same organization as me. His family spent some time in their country and he is friends with this families children. Such a neat time to talk with them and be encouraged by them!
After that I met the outreach pastor there and told him about going to Bosnia. He introduced me to his wife, because she has been to Bosnia! I was just like, "Really God? Really?" Her and I had a short, but nice chat about her time there. It excited my heart a little more towards leaving. (I will definitely be talking to this couple more)
Every occurrence just made me think, "What a SMALL WORLD!?!" God used all of these to encourage my heart in knowing that He is a BIG God, and this is a small world. He is intricately involved in each part of it. He knew I needed to meet these people and be encouraged that while I may feel like a stranger in this world, it's because I am. But I have brothers and sisters who are like-minded and walking alongside me in this. We are intricately knit together for one purpose: that HIS GLORY AND SALVATION WOULD BE KNOWN TO THE NATIONS!
If that doesn't bring my heart out of somberness and into rejoicing I don't know what else will!


  1. I think we all know the American dream is fleeting and the only dream we really have as followers of Christ is eternity:) That's why I think we all have days of "somberness and longing"...we will be "homesick" until the day we get to Heaven. Really, Caca, if you think about it, we are all Nomads:) Fun! Love you!

  2. Hey Courtney- discovered your blog via facebook and am just enjoying catching up on how your journey has been going- I loved this particular post.. I feel much the same, it is an overwhelming thing to think of never having a "home" on this earth- but at the same time comforting that while we aren't home yet, He is making our home as we are serving Him here. Praying for you!
