Sunday, July 3, 2011

When the Fog Clears

"Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory."- Paul

"God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on Him."- Hudson Taylor

Do you ever have those days where you wake up and you're just in a "fog"? I know physically stuff like sinuses and allergies can do that, but more so just kind of like you wake up "defeated" feeling?
I had one of those days yesterday...
I don't know why but I woke up to go to church and I just felt defeated. There wasn't anything in particular, but there were just discouraging thoughts going through my head, and I just didn't feel motivated at all. It wasn't like I was sulking around. People probably didn't even notice. But there was a battle within me. I was going to talk to some people about going overseas (which I did), and it went fine (I find when I start talking about it, the Lord just excites my soul!), but there was still this "air" of "Courtney, do you really think anyone cares?" I know that it's spiritual warfare, and I know the answer to that question is "ABSOLUTELY, people care!" But questions like that are causing me to question God. That's been the enemies tacit from the beginning!
Then some wise words popped in my head (from a wise man who is only like a year older than me!) I remember talking to my dorm "parents" from college (who also have become sweet friends) when they were overseas. One thing that stuck out to me was when he said, "You know, Courtney, if you want to feel like a complete baby again, go overseas. You're in a place where you can't communicate with people because you don't know the language, you're dependent on others to help you, you're like a child, completely dependent. But you know, one thing I've learned is that we're not here for people or ourselves, because we would've given up a long time ago. We are here for God. Now, we love people, but you know like we do, that they'll let you down. Things get "normal" and life continues. But He is our only sure thing. He is the ONLY thing that hasn't, doesn't, and won't change."
So I clung to that because it is Hebrews 13:8! When thoughts and questions of defeat and discouragement come about I need to remember, HE NEVER CHANGES! The truth is that some people may not care about where I'm going or what the Lord is doing in the world. But GOD STILL CARES ABOUT THE WORLD! He doesn't need people to confirm His plan. He is God!
The Lord then did a very gracious and encouraging thing to help the "fog" clear...
He blessed me with seeing people come forward yesterday professing that they had come into a relationship with Him! On top of that excitement there were also two youth age boys who came forward saying they believed the Lord was beginning a journey of leading them to go overseas full time! I was crying and praising the Lord!
I understand a little of the journey these two boys have ahead of them. They (as I am) are naive to the hardships, struggles (physically and spiritually), and sacrifices that are ahead of them. But HOW BEAUTIFUL to be dependent on God in not knowing!
We ARE like children! And it is the best place to be: like a child; completely dependent on our Father who is steadfast, immovable, and never changing!

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