So I'm at the conferenece! WOO HOO! It's only been 2 days, people are still getting adjusted to time changes (including me), and settling from the overwhelmingness of being here. It's exciting, overwhelming, loud :) , amazing, emotionally draining, spiritually challenging, just a whole buncha GOD! :) I'm loving every minute of it.
One thing that drew me to this organization is the fact that it's made up of people from ALL over. This conference is the beautiful evidence of Christ's body from all tongues and tribes.
Last night imparticular, we were ending our session with singing. We sang "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord". And the Lord blessed my heart SO much. When it came to the chorus "Holy, Holy, Holy" we were told to sing it in our native tongue.
One word...B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!
There were SO many tongues singing out to the same Father proclaiming His holiness! I was in awe. I've worshipped with people from other cultures before, but not this many at one time. It was such a blessing to hear, and such an awesome reminder that the church is made up of many tongues, cultures, ethnicities, peoples! What a glorious thing! God has called the nations to Himself, and I am now surrounded by others who are called out to go to the nations to declare this great God we all worship!
This is such a sweet time of transition! Not only for my own heart as I prepare to get to my new home, but to meet those who are along this journey with me (just to a different part of the globe). And how excited and honored I am to get the chance to worship Jesus together!
"O' for a thousand tongues to sing OUR GREAT REDEEMERS NAME!!!"
awe...that gave me chills :) I wish I could be there to worship with you. We miss you. Yesterday SK asked "where's Caca?" I told her Bosnia just because I didn't want to explain the detour to the conference to a two year old...anyway, she tried to say Bosnia. It was very cute! We pray for you every night! Love you!