I spent the last two weeks at an amazing conference, met some amazing people, learned a lot, was challenged in so many ways, and enjoyed every minute of it (even in the moments with little sleep :) ) Now that I'm in this new place though I am glad to finally be settling in. There's still of course TONS of adjustment, learning the language, and getting situated, BUT I am here! Praise the Lord!
I wanted to tell a little story about something that happened right before I left Holland to head to Sarajevo. I lost Walley :(
Walley (as he is affectionately known) is my ring that looks like an owl. I know, I know...ridiculous! But I love this ring! So when he went missing two days before the conference was over I was a little sad. I wasn't sure what had happened to him. I usually have 1-2 places I put my jewlery so I looked in those places and nothing. I looked throughout the room. We were a little compact in our room with 4 of us and all of our luggage so I wasn't sure where he might be. Then the thought occurred to me that I may have dropped Walley somewhere or taken him off. I looked in the lost and found...nothing :(
I know he's just a ring, but I love this ring. So...I told the Lord, "You know, I'm not devastated...it's just a ring, but You know that ring was special to me. I'll be fine without it, but if You could just help me find it I'd be very grateful."
I'm sure you are probably thinking, "Really, Courtney? You prayed about a ring? That's stupid"
BUT...the Lord answered! Today when I was going through my stuff unpacking I pulled out my emergency kit (bandaids and such). I don't know why but I opened it just to see what I had packed and there sitting in the bag was Walley!
I don't even remember taking the kit out of my backpack the whole conference! But at some point I must have slipped him in there.
I know it is a silly little ring that really has no value (I mean I got him from Claire's for goodness sake), but it helped me to remember how our Father is concerned even with the little (insignificant) things in our lives. I would have been fine without it, I didn't loose any sleep over it, and I sure wasn't going to worry about it, but it was a sweet reminder that the Lord cares. He knew that it meant something to me, He knew that "letting" go of it kind of hit my pride and made me have to once again say, "Nothing belongs to me, and it's just a 'thing'." But finding Walley brought a lot of joy to me not just because I have him again, but because it was a sweet reminder that my Father cares about EVERY detail of my life (no matter how small).
this post is why I love you! you are so right- that our Father cares even about the smallest details! Glad you made it and are doing well- cant wait to hear updates )