Throughout this week I've experienced a few "firsts" that I tried to keep track of to share with those of you who actually read this thing :) Most of these "firsts" will be norms during my time living here, but the experience of trying them for the first time was one I wanted to remember.
So here it goes:
1. Hung all my clothes out to dry (I know, I know this is pathetic. HOWEVER, in my defense, at some point my mom may have done this when I was younger, but I have never done it)
2. Ate Cevapi, Pita, and Doner for the first time
(Cevapi pronounced CHEE-VAH-PEE: small sausages inside of what Americans call pita bread (but SO much better than most pita in the States)-for you meat eaters out there, these would be right up your alley!)

4. Bought my first ever appliance with a European plug-in! (My hairdryer AND straightner blew up the first week I was in Europe, so a girl had to do what a girl had to do ;) )
5. Drank Bosnian coffee...a little stronger than I'm use to (DEFINITELY has a little more "kick" than a pumpkin latte from Starbucks :) but it was a good experience, and I'm sure I'll get use to it as I will be drinking it ALOT!)
6. Experienced Bosnia winning a football (soccer) game! There were fireworks popping, horns blowing, people yelling and singing in the streets. This wasn't like a championship game; it was just a regular game :) Like when two professional teams in baseball or football in the states have a game, BUT the celebration was like a team winning the superbowl or world series! In their defense they did score RIGHT before the whistle to win the game, so it was really close.
At about 3 maybe 4 am that night I woke up to some people walking down the street singing loudly :) and then all of a sudden I heard a lady yell from her balcony "CUTI!" Pronounced CHOO TEE...Meaning "SHUT UP!" :)
So that concludes my first week in Sarajevo!
I hope you've enjoyed some of my "firsts" in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
I know I have!
I think we are going to have a we love Ms. Courtney night and I will have to cook some Bosnian food. It sounds yummy! Glad your first week has gone well. We love and miss you!